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Overcoming addiction every day
Teen Challenge Canada operates 12-month in-residence alcohol and drug addiction rehabilitation programs, for adults 18+, with centres located in Alberta, Atlantic Canada, Saskatchewan and Ontario. We offer help and hope to those struggling with alcoholism and/or addiction to other drugs. Those in addiction, their family and friends, begin their restoration at Teen Challenge. Learn More
Like heart disease, cancer or diabetes, family history is only part of the overall picture. Lifestyle and/or environment plays an equal role in addictions. Addiction is 50% due to family history and 50% due to poor coping skills. Which means that everyone has a choice, but what the children of addicts lack are positive parental influences to teach proper coping mechanisms.
If someone in your family has battled with an addiction, you are at twice the risk of a substance addiction than someone without that family history.
If one or both of your parents has an addiction, regardless of if they raised you, the risk of developing a substance addiction increases by as much as 9 times.
If your parent is an alcoholic, your chances of becoming addicted to painkillers or some other drug are equally increased. It's called cross addiction. The genetic predisposition to addiction is not limited to the abused substance of choice in your home. Growing up in a home with an addicted parent is damaging and full of conflict. Rules change elastically from day to day. Secrecy becomes paramount - you don't talk about what goes on at home and strive to keep the truth from friends and teachers. Sexual, physical and verbal abuse is rampant.
If you know a child living with an addicted parent, or are a former addict and worry about your own children, there are tangible steps that can be taken to lessen the chances that the addiction will continue through another generation.
Please call Teen Challenge Admissions today and start the path to recovery.